These are important questions that usually pop into your head when you are about to buy a new pair of shoes or boots. Since boots with different fields of application are constructed in different ways, Meindl has come up with specified terrain categories to help you choose the best boot for your activity and terrain.
A shoe designed for walking in low elevation and urban environments – for those who want a sturdy and casual shoe equally at home on daily errands and light weekend trails. Usage: Leisure, everyday wear, travelling, walking. |
A boot for walking and light hiking while carrying light loads. Offers great support for comfortable day hikes in low elevation landscapes. Usage: Walking and light day hiking in low elevation. |
A boot designed for intermediate hiking in low mountain ranges. Provides good stability in rocky and uneven terrain, and while carrying moderate loads. Usage: Day hikes and light trekking in the back-country with light to moderate loads. |
A boot for ambitious trekking in uneven terrain, steep inclines, fixed rope routes and on screes. Offers optimal stability and support for lower alpine pursuits. Surface: Rough paths, boulders, climbing routes. |
HIGH ALPINE TREKKING AND BACKPACKINGA boot tailored for the higher alpine which provides increased stability in challenging terrain. Suitable for use with crampons. |
The ultimate mountaineering boot – fully reliable for extensive use in critical landscapes. Designed for use with crampons. |